Friday, May 15, 2009

Bridging to Junior Scouts

Last night Lauren got to bridge from Brownies to Junior Girl Scouts. This is an event that she has been looking forward to for several months. This was her first year in scouts and it has been really good for her. Her troop meets every other Tuesday for meetings and working on badges or "Try-Its" and then one Tuesday a month, they meet at a retirement center to read or paint with the elderly people there. It has been really good for Lauren to be around other girls in a serving capacity. Since I home school her, this is the only time that we aren't together. Logan and I spend this hour and a half having "Mommy Logan Time". It is a time that we both really enjoy.

Lauren has earned many patches for her sash this year. I spent the hour before the ceremony ironing all her patches on that I found in her Brownie bag. I guess I should check her bag more often. Her latest patch she earned at Six Flags this weekend. She had to go around the park and ask questions to 7 different animal experts. She didn't want to do it at first, but once she got started, she really enjoyed it. It was a special day for the girl scouts in the park. It was really neat to see all these different troops from the state in their troop t-shirts. I think we should make t-shirts next year. That probably means that I will have to be in charge of that. Ha.

I was in brownies and girl scouts as a child and have so many fond memories. I still have a Christmas ornament that I made in brownies in 1979 that we hang on our tree. My mom was my leader at one point. I didn't handle that well, poor Mom. I wanted all her attention, but since she had a bunch of other girls who needed it, I didn't get what I wanted. Man I was a brat. Since this is the only time that Lauren and I have apart, I told her leader that I would not be helping during the meetings, but that if she needed something outside of that time, I would be more than happy to help. It has been nice to see Lauren grow in an area without me around.

We are really proud of our little scout and look forward to many more bridging ceremonies.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Lauren!! Way to go! We love you!!
    ~Nathan, Andrea and Heidi
